Northern Neck Electric Cooperative improved its cybersecurity defenses with a ransomware tabletop exercise on Dec. 6. The exercise included IT, Engineering, Accounting departments and operational teams in a simulated ransomware attack, testing the cooperative’s response strategies under pressure. Participants demonstrated incident-management skills, rapidly identifying and isolating the threat, and effectively implementing response protocols. A debrief session followed, allowing for valuable feedback and identification of areas in need of improvement, such as expanded ransomware-awareness training.

“This proactive simulation underlines the cooperative’s commitment to robust cybersecurity,” says Glenn Purcell, vice president of technology and services. “By continuously refining response strategies and training, NNEC ensures the security and reliability of its operations, effectively safeguarding against evolving digital threats.” The exercise not only tested the cooperative’s preparedness but also strengthened its overall resilience in managing cyber threats.

Combating Cyber Nightmares