I am thrilled to announce that, thanks to our team’s hard work and dedication, NNEC achieved an impressive 99.97% reliability rating based on its System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI). This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to our commitment to providing you, our valued members, with a dependable and resilient electrical system.

Maintaining such high levels of reliability doesn’t happen by chance. It requires meticulous planning, proactive measures, and strategic investments in our infrastructure. I want to take this opportunity to highlight some of the key initiatives that contributed to our success:

Vegetation Management:

Our comprehensive vegetation management program, conducted on a 6-year cycle, ensures that trees and other foliage are kept at a safe distance from power lines. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of outages caused by falling branches during storms.

Pole Inspections:

With over 36,000 poles in our system, regular inspections are essential. We adhere to a rigorous 6-year cycle to identify and address any potential issues, ensuring the structural integrity of our poles and enhancing overall system reliability.

Thorough Maintenance Program:

Our team conducts regular tests on critical equipment, such as substation transformers. This proactive maintenance helps identify and address potential issues before they can impact the reliability of our electrical system.

Investments in Technology:

Embracing advancements in technology, we have implemented innovative solutions to monitor and manage our system in real time. This allows us to respond swiftly to any issues and minimize downtime.

The impact of a 99.97% reliability rating extends beyond just numbers. It means fewer disruptions to your daily lives, increased business productivity, and the assurance that you can rely on NNEC to power your homes and communities. It is a testament to the collective effort of our dedicated team and the investments we have made to strengthen our infrastructure.

Looking ahead, we will continue to explore new ways to enhance our system and adapt to the evolving needs of our community. Together, we can continue to build on this record of success and keep delivering reliable and safe electricity to your homes and businesses.