Last year, trees were the top cause of outages outside of storm events for NNEC. We understand that trees play an important role in your home or business’s landscape. They add beauty, help our environment, and add value to the property. However, these same trees can be a major challenge for NNEC

  • Trees are one of the major causes of power outages in areas with overhead utility lines.
  • When trees contact live wires they may become conductors of electricity, causing power outages or creating dangerous situations for anyone coming in contact with the trees.

NNEC works hard to maintain its right of way near overhead lines to provide safe and reliable electrical service.

  • We employ a professional forester with over two decades of experience to oversee our vegetation management program.
  • For most of our rights of way, routine vegetation management activities are completed on a year-round schedule of approximately every 6 years.
  • Tree pruning or takedown outside of this regularly scheduled maintenance is completed only at the request of the landowner or to correct a hazardous situation. If you have a tree next to an overhead line that needs to be taken down or pruned, please contact us.
  • Trees planted in the proper location can actually lower your electric bill by providing shade in the summer and protection from cold winds in the winter.

Although NNEC would prefer that no trees be planted within our rights of way with overhead lines, or within ten feet of our underground transformers, we would like to inform you of the best and most safe ways to plant trees near lines. Please contact us today for advice.

Before you dig in the ground, call VA811, formerly Miss Utility at least three days in advance (not counting weekends and holidays) to have your underground utilities marked. They can be reached by simply dialing 8-1-1.